Our school has an extensive, educational and fun Physical Education program. This program is run by our specialist physical education teacher, who is supported by all our teachers who also share a positive attitude towards health and fitness and believe that being physically active connects children and enhances their academic capabilities.
Our Prep-Grade 2 students all enjoy a weekly Physical Education session which has a focus on learning fundamental motor skills and of course having fun! Throughout the year, these students also participate in sport clinics, House Tabloid Games and other teacher organised events.
Once students reach Grade 3 level, they use vital skills learnt in the early years, and are treated to a wide range of sports in the Physical Education program. These sports range from Football to Basketball, Table Tennis to Bocce. Students not only play the sports, but are challenged to continue to develop their skills, help umpire games, assess their peers using technology and teach skills, already acquired, to younger students within the school.
Outside of their Physical Education sessions, Grade 3-6 students participate in a range of clinics and fitness programs, to further their sporting prowess. Every morning, classroom teachers prepare a 20 minute fitness session, which include relays, tabloids and the famous ‘Marathon Club’ (Running Program). Other popular activities throughout the year include: Badminton clinics, AFL Players clinics, Summer Lightning Premierships, Winter Lightning Premierships, school and Interschool Cross-Country and Athletics Carnival, Interschool Ball Games, Multi-sport clinics, Golf clinics and tournament and Girls Football (just to name a few!).
Our school is also one of the select few in Australia to participate in the Hot Shots Tennis Program. Our school was given brand new equipment for the program which is participated in by our entire school at the beginning of each year. Our students receive many benefits from the program including T-Shirts, Backpacks and Pencil Cases.
If sport is your thing, then Herne Hill Primary School is the place to be!